You are getting this error because you trying to access an object property, using the array square bracket or the object property is of the form 'user name' or 'user-name'.
Normally when we want to access an object in php, we make use of the arrow pointer like
$obj_user = new stdClass;
$obj_user->name = "smith john";
$obj_user->username = "smith";
$obj_user->id = "1002";
$obj_user->email = "";
But when you try to access an object as
obj_user['my name']
This will throw the "Cannot use object of type stdClass as array"
Fixing the error
Cast the object to an array
$obj_user = new stdClass;
$obj_user->name = "smith john";
$obj_user->username = "smith";
$obj_user->id = "1002";
$obj_user->email = "";
//Casting the object to an array
$obj_user = (array) $obj_user;
echo $obj_user['name']; //smith john
Accessing the data with {}
$obj_user = new stdClass;
$obj_user->name = "smith john";
$obj_user->username = "smith";
$obj_user->id = "1002";
$obj_user->email = "";
//Accessing with curly bracket
echo $obj_user->{'name'};
If you find this helpful, kindly drop a comment or an emoji, cheers.